I seem to be starting a lot of my posts with... "I've not read this", but yet again I have watched the film before reading the book or indeed watching any of the previous film adaptations. So I'll be taking this film purely on it's own merits:
I am Legend stars Will Smith... and that's about it for characters... the majority of the film is spent with him conversing with himself of his dog Sam. Now although I like will smith as an actor, he can rarely pull off anything that is too far away from his character as the Fresh Prince, this is not a total exception, but it's pretty close. He's convincing as the last man alive in a city populated by "zombies", but not as a scientist trying to save the world... I have to say it, but he just doesn't pull off intelligence, it's a horrible thing to say about someone, but he just appears to be to much of a wide boy to be an intellectual.
The storyline is very good, as a-typical zombie hoards taking over a city go. It adds some elements usually overlooked in the genre of survival horror. One scene sees him hunting his own food, another shows him renting a DVD from a store (Manned by mannequins), this gives an interesting incite into what psychological impact the physical isolation from fellow humans is having.
The film has excellent SFX and where CGI is used it's seamless with the rest of the cinematography.
The only complaint I would have is that there is not really enough explanation behind the creatures behaviour at one point:...
Spoiler so look away:
The creatures show a instinct to reclaim one of their females (The mate of the leader?), and they go to great lengths (Including setting a trap identical to the one that captured the female) to recover her, and display a hierarchical nature along with it. Sadly this is not expanded upon, and in fact is totally overlooked by Will Smiths character... it would have been a nice twist to the storyline to have some intelligent interaction between the leader and Will Smith. Sadly it was just there to tempt me to think the storyline was deeper.
All in all it's a very good film, and visually appealing. I recommend going to see it.
On a side note people have been getting their knickers in a knot over the Batman Superman billboard seen early in the film... come on... it's most likely a joke by the director/scene setters. It it is true (And any reader of dark horse comics will know this) it's only going to be mediocre. I personally can't see why they'd to this crossover, as neither franchise is struggling at the moment (Well perhaps Superman is, but only through lack of information regarding the next film).
After watching the film (And when we got home) Naomi realised she'd left her hat behind. Me and Matt raced back to the cinema, but unfortunately the next film was underway (Seriously they must have been seating them as we left!). One of the ushers went off to see if he could find it, sadly he couldn't. So we opted to come back when the film finished (It was the last showing).
When we went back we managed to get into the cinema just as the last scene was running, so as soon as the credits rolled I dashed over to our old seats (Which were unoccupied) and there it was plain as day laying on the floor. Personally I reckon the usher never even looked... we were fortunate tho, as I swear the cinema hadn't even been cleaned (I'm sure my cup was still in the holder). Naomi was pretty relieved to be reunited with her hat
I don't think it suits me tho.