Sunday, 16 December 2007

Christmas Time

I love christmas... And I know it's a little sappy... But it's because of the people, not the presents (though they are good too). Christmas is always unique amongst holidays as very few people go away, so i usually get to see family and friends that usually remain elusive. It's a good time, as i'm a very sociable person, so i love being surrounded by people i care about. Especially my best mate Matt who usually makes the special effort to travel down on new years.

As I imagine all families do, the board games come out after dinner, which again brings people together. As strangely we all feel compelled to play scrabble and monopoly (must be something in the turkey :-)). So for all it's corporate "selling out" Yule still serves it's original purpose as a festival to celebrate and bring people together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm dreading the scrabble, I think your mum (and everyone else) will wipe the floor with me... I'll be a poor dirty damp Nomi by the end of the tournament! It is a sad state of affairs when someone who can actually write half decent academic essays simply cannot play any games which involve forming words or anagrams. Ho hum, I beat everyone on Animal Crossing and I surpassed the Geek Test according to Christian, so it can't be all bad.

Christmas is a time to not eat too much, and listen to the arguments emanating from the ground floor whilst having a great deal of fun ourselves... that's what I say and I'm sticking to it :)
