We went out to the 3 Daws Pub which is run by one of my Aunties, so a good time was pretty much guaranteed!
I've not been out for a proper drink with my mate Andy in far too long, originally he wasn't going to be coming as he was going to be in Reading... thankfully he decided to join us at the last minute :-)
My mate Matt joined us from Lincoln, he's easily got to be the funniest drunk I've ever seen, both me and him were tilting back the Magners cider with abandon (Sadly Green Goblin isn't readily available down here :-( )
Both Nomi and my sister were wearing corsets and looking fantastic.
We all had to have a cigar to celebrate the end of 2007, unfortunately the bad only had Hamlet, next time I'll have to get some proper cigars in advance.
It was a brilliant night :) I really enjoyed myself and can think of nowhere I would rather have been. Matt (otherwise known as "NOW the best drunk in the world EVER!") and I made our little pact, which he better stick to *pokes him in the side as she knows he's reading this*, the drinking, dancing and fireworks were great; especially the balloon things the people down river were letting out, I want some! I think they probably had new years resolutions tied to them, what a great idea :)
Yes, the corset looks better in pictures than it does looking down on it, I swear I promise to not moan about that again!
... I still need a trip to Camden to buy myself another steel boned one though...
Matt care to comment on this pact?
It was a great night, I'm glad you all enjoyed yourseves.
Is a fact of life that women rarely think they look good... despite what their boyfriends say... hmm... I was right was that :-)
Of course you were right my dear, you are always right :)
Matt does not comment, Matt stays silent and mysterious and then "pow right in the kisser... pow right in the kisser... pow right in the kisser"
LOL I only get that reference from Family Guy... sad huh. Must be an American thing.
Come on mate post a comment :-)
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