Wednesday 9 May 2007

Busy Days Ahead

I've got a lot of stuff coming up soon, so hopefully I'll have something a little less mundane to blog about.

I'm off out bowling on Friday with Bex's new work mates so that'll be fun for the both of us, then on Sat I'll be official photographer for Pauls band at the first gig my sisters been to since they got together (Aww). Next week I start my new job so that'll be hectic, the week after I'll be preparing for the Expo in London (More about that later), and after that I'll be driving off to Germany with my dad!
And all in between that I'm gonna try to keep up with blogging (Hopefully adding to my myspace as I doubt my new employer has a filter for that). And getting in some quality gaming/drawing time (Getting back into that after a long lapse)... and of course keeping up with the housework etc.
I need an assistant me thinks... on a maid... or both... or just clones of me to do all the stuff I want/need to do. Well at least I won't be bored!

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