Mobile phones don't like water, or being dropped on concrete as Nomi found out the hard way... thankfully all that was damaged is the screen, and a quick search on ebay resulted in a replacement screen for only £5. On taking it apart the LG Prada is a very well built phone, and simplistic too. Shame it's so susceptible to impacts.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Mobile phones don't like water, or being dropped on concrete as Nomi found out the hard way... thankfully all that was damaged is the screen, and a quick search on ebay resulted in a replacement screen for only £5. On taking it apart the LG Prada is a very well built phone, and simplistic too. Shame it's so susceptible to impacts.
Jelly Frogs
If you know my family, you'll know we have a thing about frogs and toads :-) My mum made these using a new jelly mould she bought... the green jelly was supposed to be a lillypad, but turned out more like frogspawn :-)
It all tasted yum tho!
Finally... holiday posts!
Monday, 26 January 2009
Solar Powered Lamp
I kid you not... This is indeed a solar powered lamp... It's not totally daft. As it has batteries. It produces a weak light that is somewhat useful.
Under a strong light though it looks quite impressive. Now if only the photovoltaic cells were 100% efficient it could be a perpetual machine :)
Pinball Wizard
Andy's a Chicken
Andy Sleeps the Ikea Lifestyle
Ikea Train Set
Shiny Black Monolith
Not a Wii
Spotted another fake Wii. It's cheer and cheerful... I dread to see the face of the child that get's one of these... It's gonna be the total opposite of this:
Adsolutely mad... this is gonna haunt him in later life
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Dumping Camera
The video just speaks for itself. Only the Japanese could think a camera that "dumps" a picture could be cute!
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Accessable Keyboard
Fine Purveyors of Burlesque
Whitstable Native
Albino Bagpuss
Victorian Porn
Sadly this shop was shut... Otherwise I'd have popped in to get the postcards that were on the door :) I love the fact that one of the photos depicts a man taking a photo of a womans clothed bottom, ignoring the fact she's topless :)
Recycled Pavement?
Hmm... Weird is what i thought when I spotted this... It's a paving slab in the style of a recycling symbol, but raised like a crossing for the blind? What could it be for?
Ideal Statue
It's funny how cultures change. When statues were carved by the ancient Greeks to depict the gods, the men were depicted as extremely muscular... An idealised form of the male physique. Even Roman generals had a breastplate shaped as if they had a six pack (when more than likely they had a bit of a belly from eating rich food).
The idealised female physique in those days differs from today's... Not by masses, but enough. Both then and now women with trim figures were rightly considered beautiful. However, you'll notice no ribs... But a healthy mix of muscle and flesh displaying no ribs (I say flesh as opposed to fat... As in todays society fat implies obesity). But in stark contrast today women who are tall and large chested with rib cages showing are considered beautiful. Where as the opposite applied back then, a friend of mine argued that it was because back then you couldn't get surgically enhanced breasts... While I agree with him there... That doesn't stop natural big breasts. So I return to my original statement that the petite figure was idealised over a buxom one.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions... And it takes all sorts for a world to work... But to me the old idealised... the Venus physique... is by far the most beautiful.
Guess that makes me a very lucky man in a classical sense (Not that I didn't think that before).
End of an era... Start of a new one
"You can't come to Canterbury without seeing the Cathedral"... Well in fact you can... Because it's not visible from anywhere but inside its grounds. Which you have to pay to go into. I'll give it a miss as I don't have my Camera with me :(
Che Andy
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
iJoy Ride
I have it on good authority that this is neither a sex toy or a rodeo bull... What it is, is it's a exercise "device" that works on your stomach and hips. Good to see that yet another industry is adding "i" to the front of everything. iWish I could go back in time and assassinate the person that thought of using iWhatever as a naming policy at Apple... iHate it... the only thing that iHate more is when other companies copy it. Even more so when it's totally nonsensical like this. iJoy? Really... I mean come on... Sounds like a vibrator attachment for the iPod... No wait that's the iVibe. Perhaps it should be renamed the "iLook Like a Cowboy on This Thing".
Retro Poster
Whilst sorting some of my crodge out I found this old poster. I can't even remember how I got it... All I do remember is that for years it was stuck to the underside of my pool table. Now I think of it , it might be worth something, being an original promo poster for the book possibly dating back to 1986. Shame it's not in mint condition.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Out of Sequence Posts
Edited 23-01-09
Saturday, 17 January 2009
I love corsets... And I'm very glad that Nomi does too... As such I've learnt a lot about putting them on. For Christmas I got her this lovely new one. Unfortunately it saw laced completely the wrong way for Naomi's petite figure so I bought some more ribbon and re-laced it (Could have used the original, but wanted the cords to be longer). I was pretty impressed, even if I do say so myself, that I managed to get it perfect first time :)
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
My Heath... (Insert Gimmic Here)
Suggestive Cacti
Seriously... It's not just one... There's dozens of them like this in my local garden center. Whoever planted them must've been laughing hysterically! Either that or I have a depraved mind?
Robins are coming to get you!
Monday, 5 January 2009
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Upgrading a PS3s Hard Drive...
All was going well... I backed u[ the HDD on a new portable drive I purchased just for the job. Then come the trauma of fiddling with such an expensive piece of equipment. I fiddle about with computers all the time, but this is different, If I break something I can't just go down Maplins and get a replacement part!
I was warned that the screws that hold the drive in place were "soft and over torqued" little did I know that it must've been done with an air spanner! Crikey... I stripped the head off of three of them trying to get them undone.
Try as I might I couldn't get them off. So I decided to use a Dremel with a cutting disc to slit a groove into each screw and undo them with a large flat blade screwdriver. Thankfully this worked brilliantly :) tho taking a cutting disc so close to a hard drive made me very nervous!
I've now replaced the screws with propper computer case screws that are a lot tougher... Not that I'll be trying this again anytime soon!
Restoring the backup was a piece of cake, and now I'm sporting plenty of HDD space :-)
For those of you that are brave enough to copy me you can find a useful how to here and another here. If you need to back up loads of data, you'll need a USB HDD, but it's not as easy as just plug it in and go... fol ow the guide here to see what you need to do, an essential piece of software you'll need is a FAT 32 Formatter for large HDDs. And a dremel if those screws were made from blue tac like mine :-)