Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Too Much Stuff!

I'm a hoarder, I keep everything... It must be hereditary tho as my mum is a terrible hoarder as well. I've got every toy I ever had as a child in the loft. Including probably a small fortune in transformers. I only wish I'd kept the boxes. But who am I kidding I'll never sell them.

Now I've even more stuff since I've moved back in with my parents. Adding the stuff I accumulated living in my own house to the stuff I never took out of my room has resulted in a massive pile of boxes I've got to sort out... it's truly huge. And no room to put it. Looks like I'll have to break with tradition and hit e-bay with it.

Someone will always buy someone elses crodge.

Hopefully the sale of all that will net me enough money to afford a nice new bed as a single bed is doing my head in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Crodge" officially one of the special words which only Jamie knows the meaning of... it's like a cross between 'Crotch' and 'Bodge' I'm not sure how that works out.