Sunday, 12 August 2007

Shooting Stars

The Percius meteor shower culminates on the 12th of August, and it being a new moon this year means it's perfect viewing time... so me and my dad went out in search of somewhere dark and away from city lights. No mean feat given our proximity to London, even though I'd say i live in the countryside it's still very difficult to find anywhere that's good for stargazing (It always amazes me when I go to Devon how many more stars you can see). Eventually we found a nice spot and began searching for incoming meteors... after what felt like ages my dad turned to me and said "do you keep seeing little tiny lines in the sky every now and then?" to which i replied, "yeah but they're so quick i can't see them properly, almost like my eyes are playing tricks on me" at which point a large shooting star shot across the sky almost on cue for us :-) After that we saw about another 4 large shooting stars and numerous "phantom" streaks which I can only assume are shooting stars that are so small they're difficult to see with the naked eye. Overall a good start to my birthday :-)

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