Saturday, 6 February 2010

Fruits of the Spirit

I absolutely loved this when Nomi pointed it out to me, I couldn't stop laughing for ages!

Who attributed these fruits to their respective attributes:
  • Plum of Joy - Slivovitz being the most joyful of ways to eat Plums
  • Pear of Happiness - And again Perry brings much happiness,especially when consumed in large quantities at a music festival!
  • Grapes of Peace - As opposed to the Grapes of Wrath, are they red grapes then?
  • Orange of Patience - Oranges being a carnivorous plant are currently lulling us into a false sense of security, waiting patiently to pounce on us from the fruit bowl and devour us with their citric acid.
  • Lemon of Kindness - Lemons of course reminding us of the bitter taste of kindness
  • Lime of Goodness - Goes well with Tequila... now that's goodness for you!
  • Strawberry of Faithfulness - Due to the fact that Strawberries mate for life
  • Apple of Gentleness - Issac Newton can vouch for how gentle apples are.

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