Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Ouch... Well yet again some twat rear ends me :(

I only hope this isn't the death of my car :( but it sure doesn't look good :( As for me I'm the worse for wear... 4 hours in A&E after being brought there in an Ambulance. But home now... Everything hurts!


Mr Vash said...

You'll will have to start driving with more care and not racing around everywhere. You've had more incidents in that car than a stock car racer has.

Roamingjay said...

LOL, as it's always me getting rear ended I think it's everyone else that should pay attention!

Mr Vash said...

if your rear end wasnt so big, people wouldnt hit it...

Roamingjay said...

Ah but people can't resist hitting it ;-)

Got a rental car at the moment... 08 reg Vecra. Prefer yours tho... got more style.