Wednesday, 9 July 2008

To open or not to open, that is the question.

Nomi bought me these a while ago, one for our 6 month anniversary and the other for Christmas. I've sadly not had the room to really put them on display (as my room was cluttered with other peoples stuff) now I've managed to get a bit of normality back there's still no room to put them up boxed... But there is unboxed... Oh dilemma :-(


Anonymous said...

No they are a investment not a toy and you not eight any more though some times we do wonder.. hee hee hee... MUM

Anonymous said...


Mr Vash said...

dont open it...... please

Roamingjay said...

Well looks like the consensus is no... will have to clear a bit of wall spce now :-)

Mini Nomi said...

Am I too late to throw in a rousing cry of "it loses it's value if you take it outta' the packaging"!!
