Thursday, 19 June 2008


We saw the Oriana in port when we left this morning... On the way back she passed us on her way to sea. Compared to the ferry she's huge! I always wonder how they stay upright in rough seas, cruise ships always seem to have such a shallow draft compared to there width. Guess it must work tho!


Mini Nomi said...

I watched her leave on her maiden voyage and was shocked by how shiny she was. Is she still shiny or have the years begun to show?

I always liked the name.


Roamingjay said...

Elizabeth I was referred to as Oriana... wonder if that's an homage to the QE2?

Still very shiny tho... I will have to drug you like mr T to take you on a cruse tho... "I aint gettin' on no boat fool" :-)

Mini Nomi said...

and on that day Satan will be going to work in a snowplough...