Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Absolutely Shattered!

Went to a fantastic lodge meeting last night... feeling the worse for wear now as I'm totally shattered. Yet there's so much to do it's not funny. Here's a list of things I've got to somehow cram in to the next few days:
  • Pack everything for mine and Nomi's holiday to Holland
  • Send out my CV to a few companies
  • Go swimming
  • Empty two wardrobes and clear my room ready for my new bed
  • Go swimming
  • Edit (And Post) video footage of us on Wii Fit (So funny)
  • Go to the MCM Expo in London
  • Go swimming
  • Petition the government to create a 32hr day

1 comment:

Mr Vash said...

I have a campaign running, its for

****SAY NO TO A 32hr DAY*****

please sign here for support