Sunday, 20 April 2008

Extreme Spider Sports

As a child whenever a spider, moth, bee or any other insect (with the exception of pests like ants, wasps and flys) found its way into my house, rather than getting splattered it was carefully trapped in a glass (sometimes with great difficulty if it was on the ceiling or fast) and then released back into the wild of my garden... After a suitable length of time gawping at it, if it was a particularly large or strange looking insect :-) That level of compassion has followed me into adulthood and whenever I come across an insect I feel compelled to catch it and put it back in its natural habitat. Call me sad but I actually get quite upset if someone kills one in my presence before I can "save it".

This big fella was waiting for me in Naomis bath this morning... Wonder what it is that is so interesting to spiders that they climb into baths and get trapped? Perhaps they climb up the overflow pipe and emerge from the overflow hole, look down and say to themselves "Wicked a giant free fall slide... wee!" then wait patiently at the bottom, until the giant cup and piece of paper transports them to the skydiving site out the bathroom window.

I swear I can hear a little "Wee!" as I throw them from the window :-)

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