Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Pea Soup

Talk about bad weather today. This morning I could hardly see my car on the drive. Come lunchtime it'd hardly gone at all... But by the time I left work it was far worse... Good job I know the route well. I might as well have been blindfolded.


Anonymous said...

Tell me about it, this morning was the same here, I was not a happy bunny as if anyone comes within a foot of my new baby at the best of times I get severe jitters, let alone in thick blanket fog. At least I only had a mile to drive to work. Even so, it's a comfort to know that people are still stupid enough to drive without their lights on at all, I feel like winding down my window and shouting "is this a piece of your brain".


Roamingjay said...

I can totally understand that. It irks me too... sadly it's never just them in an accident.

Anonymous said...

True, if it was just them that was affected it wouldn't matter so much, but it hurts other too. Selfish!


Roamingjay said...

Nah... they're just so stupid they don't think of everyone else.