Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Carbon Cutting

I've been spending the week doing drilling trials to test a new material we've been asked to work with, as a result I've been away from my nice warm office and in the workshop.

It's not exactly gripping, but for those that are interested (More so those that aren't engineers) here's a short video of a 6 axis milling machine doing a simple linear cut and a "pecking" drilling cycle.

Hope it entertains


Anonymous said...

About as entertaining as me drawing up the fictional simple (because I am too thick to do proper) accounts of A Trader (the oh so amusingly named one), but at least you get to play with machines that look like they would belong in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang if it were remade! Is that the think you've been designing?


Roamingjay said...

Yeah, I guess as an engineer I am lucky to play with big boys toys like this :-)

Nah that vac bed is going to be made later on, that'll be hellish to program!