Sunday, 20 January 2008


Now I'm a massive hardcore fan of the Alien(s) franchise. So I always go into see any of the franchises films with baited breath (Their hasn't really been a very good film since Aliens).

In one sentence I'll summaries my thoughts on it: "It was better than AvP, but still not perfect".

I'll warn you now I'm going to throw in a whole host of spoilers as I'm writing a critique of the films plot and sub-text, not a review so don't read on if you've not seen it and don't want to spoil it. This is more of a explanation of my thoughts on the storyline than anything else.

The opening starts off exactly where AvP left us. A Pred-Alien chest burster emerges from the corpse of the dead predator.

I assume that a significant time period elapses and the Pred-Alien is now at maturity and does what Aliens do best, kills people, or in this case Predators. A fight ensues and the last surviving Predator inadvertently blows a hole in the side of the ship with his shoulder cannon. This leaved me a little flummoxed, as it's a little out of character for a predator to do that, I shall explain:

  1. I imagine it would see this as the ultimate trophy, so it would like to keep it's "hide" intact, so it would generally melee attack.
  2. One on one is more honourable up close and personal, Predators only fire when outnumbered or outgunned.

But I can immediately poo poo these by saying:

  1. It may been seen as an abomination that needs destroying, hence the shock of seeing one may cause a predator to panic and open fire.
  2. Knowing how strong it is the predator may have opened fire attempting to ensure a kill, and hoping for a clean shot that would leave something of a "trophy" to show off

The ship crashes to earth and the Pred-Alien and a few face huggers run off, leaving a mortally wounded (In the crash) Predator behind. Now instead of the usual "set wrist device to blow the hell out of everything", he sends a signal home which is received by a lone Predator who promptly prepares for battle and sets off, now a few more arguments:

  1. He calls home to say what's happened afraid that the Pred-Alien may survive the blast
  2. He wants someone else to continue the hunt
  3. Honour requires vengeance for his death (As he died in an accident technically)

What about the reason only one Predator goes:

  1. He's actually related to the Dead Predator (Father-Son?) and is avenging his death
  2. He's a cleaner
  3. One-on-One honour

So the Predator begins stalking his "Prey" by following the trails left by the Aliens, he discovers the bodies f the first 2 face hugger victims and using a blue goo dissolves them leaving no trace, he continues to do this throughout the majority of the film hiding "evidence" of the alien presence (Strangely he doesn't hide his own, when he killed a human witness he exhibited normal predator hunting rites and skinned him, leaving him for all to see). This supports the fact that he's here to "clean up" the pred-alien mess.

Suddenly the entire town is overrun by Aliens, how I've heard a lot of people bemoaning this on forums, but there is a simple explanation, the original AvP Aliens gestated and matured very quickly, the reason for this may be they are specially bred Aliens genetically modified by the Predators to grow quickly so they can have a ample supply of Aliens to hunt. This could explain (But I still don't like it) why the pred-alien is able to "inject" multiple chest-bursters into a host, I shall explain:

  1. We know nothing of Predator re-production, so this may be how they mate (Although it's commonly thought amongst fans that they're similar to humans)
  2. As mentioned above, the genetic tampering the Predators did to the Aliens to allow them to grow faster advanced their evolution to this stage
  3. Without the presence of a queen this is how Aliens "fast breed" to establish a hive for a queen.

It fits (Barely) within the storyline, but I feel like they're resisting the days of Alien Resurrection and the Mutant Alien, simply put, I'd rather they didn't mess with established law within a story to make it more entertaining.

The film finishes off with the entire town being destroyed by the military (The Pred-Alien and Predator die just before this as a result of a final dramatic battle that ends in them both dealing killing blows to each other). The reasons behind the militaries motives, and quick use of nuclear weapons isn't made clear, but this is my thoughts:

  1. Weyland/Yutani have some knowledge on Predators/Aliens and have told the military this is the only way (Though if the future is anything to go by, they want samples, and will go to any lengths to get them)
  2. They’re aware of the crash, and video footage from the National Guard has scared the military into a radical decision.

At the very end the survivors (Who escape via helicopter) are captured by the US army when they crash land (Presumably due to the EMP pulse from the Nuclear bomb). The Predator "Pistol" (Modified shoulder cannon) is surrendered along with the rest of their weapons. The weapon is then taken to a Miss Yutani. This is a reference to the involvement of Charles Bishop Weyland from the original AvP and possibly goes to show the future merger of the two companies to create Weyland-Yutani as seen in the Aliens film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the film was good but not brilliant... I don't have a lot to add to what you have said apart from that I was glad that the annoying teenager assholes were victims and I want blue goo. There are a few people I might consider melting Wicked Witch of the West style! I also think I could do with a pet hobo, that would be fun.
