Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Champers in a Can

Seriously, why? As if making drinking Champagne wasn't cliche enough by spending most of her time falling unladylike out of limos, underwear in one hand and a small yappy type dog in the other, then why oh why make Paris Hilton branded Champagne in a can?

I've no problem with celebrities, I do however despise these mock celebrities like Paris Hilton and Jade Goody (To name but a few), not only do they highlight exactly what's wrong with todays society and somehow make it acceptable, but they actually contribute nothing other than the controversy that surrounds them over their latest gaffe. Kind of like a self perpetuating merry go round of media hype until eventually everyone gets bored of hearing the same story retold.

Push them all into a pit and set fire to them, along with the PR people and journalists that make these people "celebrities" :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is disgusting, who allowed that! I suppose it's a good idea in theory, but only if you are not planning on drinking a whole bottle and don't want it to lose its fizz. Also if you haven't got a glass you would run the risk (nay; certainty) of looking like the chavviest of them all. Strange lady that Paris... actually a lot more intelligent than her brand would suggest, why would you allow that to happen to your image?
