Thursday, 1 November 2007

Halloween Cursed as Angels Gig

I love dressing up for Halloween, but this is the first time I've ever been to a gig at the same time. Paul insisted that we all dressed up (As he and the band were dressing up), suffice to say we didn't need persuading... me Lou and Nomi all being cosplay fans we decided to pull out all the stops. We managed a pretty damn good set of costumes given the limited time (And Funds).

Naomis costume was fantastic... especially the make up. I was really impressed how well it held up... in fact when she got back it took her ages to scrub it off. Lou pulled off a good all red devil. I dressed as an elegant vampire (All i needed was glasses, which i couldn't find). The fangs impressed Naomi :-) but not her neck ;-)

The guys all dressed up really well... difficult to know what to do that won't restrict playing an instrument.

The set was cool, with a rendition of the Ghostbusters theme going down a storm. Shame the set had to be rushed for the headline act Paralax to come on.

After the gig Paul was "dead" tired, so Louise decided to revive him

Paul then demonstrated that the only reliable way to stop Lou from nibbling your ear was to cut off an arm... kids never upset a man with a meat clever!

Me being the Gentleman Vampire was content to kiss my fair Lady's hand...

Well I had to try the fangs out didn't I :-)

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