Friday, 26 October 2007

Almost like losing a member of the family

For the last 21 years (Since I was 7 and my sister 4) we've had the same next door neighbours, I remember the day they moved in. Steven was just slightly older than me and Comrie was just slightly younger than my sister, as such we immediately had new playmates. Given they'd just moved in there was an abundance of cardboard boxes lying around, so being boys we constructed possibly the largest make shift fort you've ever seen... spanning an entire garden in cardboard tunnels and spires. It was the greatest thing I'd ever seen (As a 7 year old).
We've constructed bottle rockets and fired them over the two adjoining gardens. Had water fights, involving us kids and dads alike. And countless generations of Guinea Pigs have graced the years of us as neighbours.
For the last 21 years I've grown complacent with the presence of the loveliest neighbours one could ask for, every time I go out in the garden a warm hello and how are you has always awaited me. Sadly they're now moving... 18 years overdue as they were only supposed to stay in Kent for 3 years! They're moving back North again, and invitations were a plenty to come visit them. I'll actually take them up on it as I always like to travel the UK whenever I can get the chance.
My only hope is that they'll meet some neighbours that fell in love with them as much as we did.
Beannachd leat

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