Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Listless Brain

For the last few days I’ve had some real trouble getting any decent amount of sleep, I'm tired so I go to bed, but my mind keeps racing and all I can do is stare at the ceiling. It's frustrating to say the least.

However I do eventually fall asleep, but it's not a satisfying sleep, I'm still tired when I get up (An hour after my alarm goes off). This in turn makes me a very cranky man at work as I've got to race to get to work on time.

I don't know if it's because I'm tired but my brain for some reason lately is just listless... I don't know how to correctly describe it... it just doesn't want to stick to the same subject for too long... like someone channel hopping on the TV, this is even worse when I'm at work (My brain really doesn't like that channel!) .

These listless nights have one saving grace tho... I've been talking to my friend Naomi a lot (No romantic involvement there so no sniggering up the back) she’s without a doubt the cleverest woman I know and unfortunately she’s suffering the same problem as me with lengthy bouts of insomnia.

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