Monday, 14 May 2007

New Beginnings

Well I've started my new job... and I've been chucked well and truely in the deep end. I tried to hit the ground running... but instead I kinda stumbled and I'm now limping forward... well at least I'm moving eh?

Seriously tho, this is a real big culture shock being "important" from day one. I'm used to gaining respect from people as they realise that the "new boy" isn't totally green, but that takes time. Instead people have assumed right from the moment I walked in the door that I knew everything. Which is extremely scary.

I think I've gotten off to a good start and done all the right things, slowly settling into my new desk (Shame it's not an office, but I understand as only one of the 3 directors actully has an office).

I now have the mamoth task of turning this design office into a productive and coherent entity... sadly it's rather in dissary given they've been without a manager for >6 months now. I only hope I can add my own flair and imagination to this and move this department forward along with the MD's plans.

I think I'm gonna need all my luck to do this!

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