Monday, 12 July 2010

He's The Scat-man?

If scat's your thing then that's fine by me... but does he really pull the ladies in with a numberplate that advertises the fact he's into his Coprophilia? Just hope he's got leather seats!

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Luk Ina Fag

Does it make me immature that my brain went straight to the gutter when I saw this :)

Monday, 5 July 2010

Bench vs. Lump Hammer

Lump Hammer WIN

I had to break up our old garden bench as it had rotted through. Actually that's an understatement... It had practically rotted away to nothing. One side of the bench collapsed last year when my dad sat on it. The other side has been looking dodgy for a while until I gingerly perched on it and it gave way :( even the top of it was coming apart. So to relieve stress I decided rather than taking it apart I'd smash it to bits! Now it's shattered remains are off to the dump courtesy of Nomis step dad :)

Sunday, 4 July 2010


This is not a good table to sit at in a restaurant if you're of a nervous disposition. It comes with your own Scissors of Damocles :)

Nomi Goes Feral

20oz of near raw cow is Nomis dinner... Mmm blue T-Bone :) Smith and Western is a truly kick ass restaurant... Not exactly cheap mind, but we all walked away stuffed beyond belief! Or should that be stuffed with beef? :)


I like how the menu states "enough to share"... That's more than enough to share... And there was 3 of up eating it as a starter! No wonder the waitress was so quick to say yes it's big enough for 3 to share. Thing is if me and Matt walked in there we'd have insisted on one each... Then of course nearly died after inevitably following it up with a 20oz steak! And probably desert :)


Photo doesn't do it justice. It's obviously fake, but no less awesome. A chandelier made from interlocking antlers :) bad ass :)

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Paddling Pool

So hot that my mum got out our old paddling pool... It's probably not seen the light of day for 10-15 years!

It was a more than welcome addition to my sisters birthday BBQ :)

Video to follow.


That'll teach my mum for handing me a packet of postit tabs when I'm bored :)