Saturday, 29 May 2010

Fight to the Death!

But what is geek music? I'm a geek... But I don't know what genre I should be listening too?


How the people that answer their phones can suppress sniggering is beyond me :)

Friday, 28 May 2010

Football Icons

I don't watch football... To be honest I can't see the attraction to it. With the World Cup coming up you can't move for it. Including this Mount Rushmore style poster advert.

Videos from Hanau

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Feeding The Dinosaur

Nomi has a pet tortoise called Esmerelda, until we buy our own house she's staying at her mums, as she's not really down with change. That and the fact that any garden she goes to would need to be tortoise proofed. As despite what most people think they're fast and quite destructive.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Road Train

Massive tailback on the way to work this morning... Caused by this train being transported. Wonder where it's going, and why it can't get there by rail?

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Ye Olde Lightning

Filmed this ages ago, and only just figured out a way to get it on here (It's too big for blogger, and too long for YouTube, thankfully facebook will now let you link externally).

Monday, 17 May 2010

Back in Blighty

Or at least British waters... Ferry food is not all that bad... But looking forward to some decent home cooked food :) Sad the trip is over, but glad to be back and with Nomi.

On the way home :(

And the kids are asleep in the back :)

Mit Spargel

Apparently it's Spargel (Asparagus) season in Germany at the moment. So I thought I'd try some... It's nothing like English asparagus. For starters it's white, but also it's served in a creamy white sauce. I can only presume it's kept in the dark like some sort of veal calf of the asparagus world... Mmm veal asparagus :)


Or Weißbier is a wheat beer, and it's my favorite German beer not only because of the taste, but because it doesn't give me a hangover :) 2.5 litres and 6 hours sleep later and I'm right as rain :)

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Drinking Games

Learnt a German drinking game at the meal... These are little bottles of very sweet Plum Schnapps (Similar to Umeshu). The idea is someone buys a case (Because it's a special occasion) and everyone takes a bottle, you then without opening it, up end the bottle and bang it on the table several times vigorously then open the bottle and down in one... Whilst toasting (Prost) the purchaser. Finally you read the number off the bottom of the bottle.

And whoever has the highest number buys the next round... And so it continues until no one can stand :)

Hand in hand... Skipping through the flames

Gotta love Engrish translations :) It's very funny, but very sweet too because being a guest house they are trying to convey a sense of welcomeness during our stay. And welcomed we were... They know us so well now that they look forward to seeing us every 3 years.

Light as a Feather

Which sadly makes it easy to blow off a table in the wind. End of the flying time for the Jet until it can be repaired :(

Strict Flying Rules

Germany has a rather strict set of laws for flying model airplanes, amongst the usual insurance requirements etc pilots are required to sign on every day, not consume alcohol (a new... But sensible law) and abide by noise laws. Whereby you are prohibited from flying Internal Combustion (IE petrol engines) between 13:00 and 15:00 on bank holidays and Sundays.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Night Flying

Dragonfruit Beer

This is Dragonfruit flavored beer... Which is actually made from Prickly Pear (A strange translation from German means a Prickly Pear is called Dragonfruit as they all come from Cactus'). But personally I don't care what it is... As it tastes divine!


Later Nicole bought me a 6 pack of both the Dragonfruit and Grapefruit flavours to take home, along with a pack of cider for Nomi (Knowing she can't have gluten) :-) German hospitality knows no bounds, it really doesn't. When she and her Husband come next year I'll make sure to have some Mead ready for her :-)

Hog Roast

Seriously what do the Germans do to pork to make it taste like this? It's amazing... Never tough... Never. This hog roast was like no other... All the meat was cooked to be almost like gammon :) Mmm :)

Glider from 500ft

Glider vs ground... Ground wins. Tho surprisingly very little damage.

The glider spiralled straight into the ground from 500ft up straight into the ground, sadly caused be interference from another pilot using the same frequency. This is unfortunately one of the risks with model aircraft, and a gentleman's rule applies that no one is at fault. However in Germany insurance allows for a claim in the case of interference caused by another pilot. So given time to process the claim it will all be fixed free of charge!

Edit - The pilot was retrieved safely and is being treated for a broken leg and whiplash :-)

Model Shop

Model shops in the UK are either one of 2 types... Modern and well laid out. Or old and a collection of strange and wonderful models in faded boxes. Germany is no exception... Except that this model shop has a back room, that is only for regular customers... Seems we're an exception :) a veritable Aladdin's cave of goodies... One of which is this microscopic model petrol engine. Fully working at 0.01"^2 displacement, and runs at a astonishing 20'000rpm! For scale that's my index finger in the picture :)

Friday, 14 May 2010

Mini Bus

Possibly the most compact sightseeing bus ever made :) But definitely the coolest by miles :)

Technik Museum Speyer

We went to Technik Museum Speyer today as it's raining... So no flying :( Museum was thoroughly interesting even though I couldn't read the signs. They had a load of displays outside including a 747 which was mounted some 100ft in the air, you could climb up to it and out on the wing for some fantastic views.

Edit - Updated Photos to a Slideshow

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Pizza and a Beer

Dinner at the flying patch was ordered in from the local Pizza take away. For 30 odd people I expected a dozen pizzas... Instead we ended up with 6 massive pizzas! (Pic really doesn't do it's size any justice!) And a lot of leftovers! Love the beer... Makes me smile and think of Resident Evil :)

And crashed again

Well the repairs didn't last very long. Unfortunately on the next take off the trim on the transmitter for the ailerons was set to far left. So when it took off it rolled to the left, so my dad compensated by pulling it to the right, however when he attempted to re-trim to stabilise it he over compensated and sent it into a roll into the ground. Sadly pilot error... Surprisingly very little damage actually, as shown in the photos. Quickly fixed with some glue though :) it'll fly again tomorrow :)

First Crash

My dads first crash of the trip, he was turning to fly back up the field, but suddenly the controls stopped responding... Unfortunately this meant the plane headed in the direction of the car park, which could have proven a disaster if it hadn't crashed into a tree! Fortunately it did little damage (cosmetic only). But it did end up 15' high up in the branches :( thankfully with the aid of the German clubs chairman and a ladder it was retrieved :)

The Best BBQ Is German

Pork Steak, Pork Sausage and Potato Salad... Mmm... Whatever the Germans marinade pork in makes it amazing! The heat of the BBQ is stopping us from freezing to death... It's strangely very cold here at the moment :(

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Remembering Years Gone By

The first time I went to Germany with the flying club, Nicole the wife of one of the Hanou flying club members mentioned she liked Smirnoff Black Ice but that they couldn't get it outside of pubs. So knowing that you can't get cans of drink in Germany (owing to the glass recycling in Germany) I brought her some cans of it the next time we went. Chatting over dinner last night she told me that she told me that she couldn't bring herself to drink them as they reminded her of us :) so they've spent the last 3 years in her fridge :)

Room Shop

No idea what this shop actually sells other than the fact it translates to "Room shop" but the name alone makes me want to buy something so I can get a carrier bag that says fucker :)


Funny how some things sound the same no matter what language it's in :)

Bat Sound

Now this is an awesome logo design... From what I could read it's some sort of sound technology company :)

Off To Germany

Well off To Germany now on another model flying trip :) long old drive especially as I only had a couple of hours sleep... But then I wouldn't have missed Nomi dressed up for Goth night for anything :)

Saturday, 8 May 2010

So Much Guinness :)

Ooh now that's a lot of Guinness :) where's my pint glass :)