Monday, 31 August 2009

Dragonball Mango

Or to give it it's proper name Mango Fireball, but I prefer my name :-)

Once we saw this being ordered on the table opposite we had to have it... and like tourists we filmed it :-)

Japanese Gothic Lolita Shop

Now this is mine and Nomis sort of Camden :)

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Awesome Island

One of Nomi's friends had been inviting up over to hers ever since we got together... But seemed that whenever invited we were always busy. Now she's off to live somewhere else, so we went over for farewell drinks. I was flabbergasted! It was on an island! In fairness she rented a flat... But still she had a home on an island in the middle of a fishing lake. Only accessible by boat it's a little spot of paradise in oxford. I wonder if we could rent a flat and take a hovercraft to work every day? Now that's fun :)

Thursday, 27 August 2009


Not sure what this is... Looks like it needs a gunner tho. Or perhaps it's a pope mobile for prisoners?

Sunday, 9 August 2009


In my garden. Well kind me looks like it. After the partying hard for my birthday finished everyone that couldn't fit in the house camped out in my back garden. Come morning the true devastation was revealed. So what did I do? Opened another BBQ and cooked breakfast... Naturally :)

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Toms New Ride

I've always fancied owning a motorbike, but know I'd manage to maim myself riding it. So the best I can do is ogle my friend Toms latest machine. And this one's a beauty. 2 and a bit litres of cruising chrome :) it probably weighs only half as much as Nomi's mini, but has nearly twice the engine capacity :) just don't drop it off the stand Andy!

Monster Caterpillar!

Did a double take when I saw this big fella on our flowers! Wonder what he'll turn into?

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

40 year old virgin

I wonder which came first... The shop in the show or in Lowerstoft? It's a cool concept for the technophobic... Must make money tho otherwise it wouldn't still be there?


Come on... Anyone who's seen Dances With Wolves must have done this at a zoo at some point in their lives :)

Monday, 3 August 2009

Egg Fail

Squirrels are of course famous for their role in egg production... Or maybe not so. Perhaps they train the squirrels to climb trees and bring the eggs down? Except chickens make their nests on the ground. So what sort of eggs must these be to warrant a squirrel on the box?

Hash Brown Tetris

Sad I know... But thought it was funny to see how many I could fit in :)


Nightfall over the main stage :-)

Captain Yellow Dragon! or is it an impostor?

Was more funny at the time... hell it's still funny now :-)

Sunday, 2 August 2009


Awesomeness is the only word I can think of. Despite the fact that I am sore, poor, smelly and totally knackered now I am on a high for the long journey home having seen Metallica :)


Went to see them on a whim... Think I'll try and pick up some of their other stuff :)

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Did you lose a camera at Sonisphere? It's a Sony DSC-W50

Found a camera at sonisphere on the grass between the 2nd stage and the 3rd stage. If it's not yours please show this to your friends and hopefully someone will recognise the woman in the photo off it and I can reunite it with it's owner! Let's see if the power of the internets can bring about a little miracle for someone!

First band of sonisphere

Alien Ant Farm :) woo... Unsurpriseingly they did smooth criminal :-)