Sunday, 30 November 2008

Saw V

Awesome is the best single word you could use to describe this film. The Saw franchise is now on its 5th film and showing no signs of getting boring or repetitive. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it... But suffice to say there is going to be a Saw VI and I can't wait :)

Saturday, 29 November 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Well finally a role Keanu Reeves can act well in. Or rather act woodenly in :) this film looks like it'll be good... Do like a good disaster movie :)

Christmas in Carnaby Street

Carnaby Streets Christmas decorations this year are giant inflatable snowmen. I wonder if James Glancey designed and made them? They remind me of the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters... Not sure if they're cute or scary... Depends on if they go rampaging through London.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Star Trek

Boy am I excited about the new Star Trek film... Hopefully they do it justice.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Side of god with your food shopping?

What a strange statement to make on a grocery shops awning? Suppose it's better than "Lambert and Butler"

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Childrens Art

This mural is on a wall near to the ferry on the Isle of Whigt. I think it's really cool... It's got little fanciful designs for ferrys and other forms of transport. I remember doing the same as a child. I must've created pages and pages of designs for airships mainly, but also submarines. Wonder what happened to them? Probably still in the loft.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Who likes short shorts?

Yet another gen from the 118 118 team. They have a good sense me humour at least :)

Who likes short shorts?

Your 118 Team loves short shorts. It's comfy and it looks great. thx!

Upside Down

Now this really is a bit of randomness from the recesses of my brain. Whilst eating my toast this morning in the car... Yeah I know it's messy... I'm always late for work so breakfast is eaten in the car, would prefer cereal, but I just cant eat cornflakes and drive at the same time... anyway I picked the toast up upside down and took a bite. And was surprised to find it so flavoursome. Now answer me this... why is it we don't eat toast that way round? The butter and spread is on the top, whereas the plain boring side is on the bottom. Pressed against your tongue when you bite it, so you only get the flavour when you chew, which is diluted somewhat by then. So I'm gonna buck the trend and start eating toast the wrong way round, that way I get the maximum flavour hit from the Marmite... mmmm.

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Since last Friday I've been suffering with food poisoning, and finally I think I'm back to some semblance of normality.

I have never felt so ill in all my life... suffering with stomach cramps for over a week is agony, my stomach feels like it's been used as punch bag in a heavyweight boxing gym.

And all for the sake of a kebab... never again. If it wasn't for the fact I couldn't give up meat I'd go vegetarian to avoid catching this ever again. Instead I'm just gonna have to cook everything myself.


Finally got around to watching Cloverfield. Somehow I managed to avoid finding anything out about it until I watched it. And I must say not knowing really helped add to the suspense. Kind of like a Sci-Fi Blair Witch :-) only difference being the massive budget. It never looked obvious the CG work combined with the single camera angle worked really well. Only thing I want to know is where they bought that camera... Not only is it indestructible but it has a unlimited battery and a never ending tape. An excellent film... So much so I was compelled to watch all of the special features. Which normally I never do.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

With a little bit of luck...

... Nomi wont fall on the harp :)

I went to see Nomi's final performance in My Fair Lady. And an outstanding performance it was too. I don't know why but I have a complete inability to do accents. So I have a massive respect for the cast having to switch from cockney to Queens English so frequently and with such skill. The last set (For the Wizard of Oz) I thought would be impossible to out do (They had a remote control rock and a rotating bridge) but with what appeared to be 4 large movable columns they managed to create all the scenes complete with stair cases and balcony's. I was a little saddened to learn that it was hired. But given its scale it would've been a bit much for even the most affluent society to build from scratch. The chorus' parts as always were amazing... Nomi complained she missed a few steps. But I certainly never noticed. They did look a little cramped at some points... But that just added to the ambiance of the Ascot scene.

I always feel like in interloper going to the after show party... But it's always fun even if I do have difficulty getting some of the inside jokes. I want to join the society when I move to oxford... Especially as they need more male parts... Nomi says I can sing given tuition, but I think it may be wishful thinking. Only time will tell.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

118-118 Words of Wisdom

The 118-118 directory enquiries number recently started offering a new service. Whereby you can txt in a question and they'll txt you back the answer. It's quite good... But sometimes a bit hit and miss on if they understand you. Here's some of the questions I've asked and their responses:

How is your heart beat controlled and regulated?
Not med advice. The heartbeat is regulated by the release of certain chemicals from the brain. NHS: 08454647.

How can you tell when a book is a first edition

The publication date is the natural starting point where it comes to appraising
a book. thx.

What is the English name for a

Jack-o-lantern is an English word. It's also known as Carved Pumpkin Lamps. Thanks, Your 118 Team!

What is Flemish for "allergic to feathers"?

Black feathers are usually a sign for bad luck. In Greek mythology, crows gave bad news to Athena & she cursed

What is Flemish for "gluten free"?

Gluten is a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. Gluten-free diet has grains and starches sources.

Can HIV be passed on my mosquito's?

No, the HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and contaminated needles and breasmilk.
Not so good on the translation front are they? Everything else is short and sweet. But sometimes a little too obvious... Like the book appraising. Think I'll post more of these when I get the chance.