Tuesday, 30 December 2008


Disturbed is the band that shaped my adult musical interest... They were the first band I ever saw live. And whenever they tour in the UK I go to see them... And they never disappoint :-) With their new album just being released it was good to hear the new songs live. However the lead singers voice sadly is noticeably deteriorating now... It must be so horrible being told that continuing to sing... Doing what you love, will cause damage to your vocal chords, so much so that eventually you'll be unable to sing anymore :-( yet his love of his art drives him to continue regardless. My heart goes out to him, I can only hope he manages to release all the work he wants to before that day comes.

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Mysterious Hole

Just spotted this hole in my rucksack... I have absolutely no idea what it's for... It's not a tear... Nor is it a defect, as it looks deliberately constructed. I wonder what it's for?

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Beat It!

For Christmas amongst many other things I got a copy of Guitar Hero World Tour... And it's fun... Lots of fun :) although playing the drums gives me a foot cramp (I'm sure I'll master getting the knack of resting my foot on the pedal). Strangest thing is I thought Lou and Nomi would fight over who does the singing part. Wrong... Everyone wants to play the drums... Or lead guitar :)

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Snowman Time

That time of year again in Animal Crossing :) now if only I can get the knack for building them right every time.

That's Not a Heatsink... Now That's a Heatsink

On the right is a factory standard Socket 478 Heatsink... On the left is my new Heatsink :) as tall as my PC case is wide... And 150mm square this is one hell of a Heatsink. It's the second I've installed. Naomi wanted her PC to be quiet so installed one of these (without its fan), and removed all the case fans, leaving only the integral temp controlled PSU fan. Boy does it run quiet. It's difficult to tell it's on if the monitor is off! So when it came to me building what is essentially a NAS with bittorrent and media server capabilities, I knew it'd get very hot and a standard heat sink just wouldn't cut it. I tried it out with the standard heatsink... And it wouldn't even last 10 mins at full load before the thermal cutout kicked in. With the new heatsink however it's been running for several days now, and although hot it's way below the thermal cutout temp. So I'm happy. Next I'm going to install a blower into the expansion slots to improve airflow... Hopefully that'll bring the overall temp down a bit. Annoying thing is the case has no mounts for front fans... So I may have to make some if the HDD's still remain hot.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Dog Sled

Now this is a cool way to travel around the shops :-) think I'd need some bigger dogs tho :) I think it's a really nice idea... You can even hire them to take your shopping back to the car :)

And Then There Was Space

My dads shed... Originally built to hold his tools and model airplanes has for the last several years been used as storage space by me and my sister (Mostly my sister). However come Christmas room is always needed for the stuff occupying the corner where the Christmas tree lives. So somehow my dad manages to compress the crodge go the shed to make more room. This time he outdone himself having to fit a treadmill in there... Wow you can actually stand in the shed now!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Beard Papa

Only the Japanese could come up with a name like this for a bakery. Can't wait for it to open... I love all things Japanese... Especially their cuisine. Beard Papa apparently sells cream and custard filled puffs. Not Nomi friendly sadly... But I'll try some on her behalf :)

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Saw V

Awesome is the best single word you could use to describe this film. The Saw franchise is now on its 5th film and showing no signs of getting boring or repetitive. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it... But suffice to say there is going to be a Saw VI and I can't wait :)

Saturday, 29 November 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Well finally a role Keanu Reeves can act well in. Or rather act woodenly in :) this film looks like it'll be good... Do like a good disaster movie :)

Christmas in Carnaby Street

Carnaby Streets Christmas decorations this year are giant inflatable snowmen. I wonder if James Glancey designed and made them? They remind me of the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters... Not sure if they're cute or scary... Depends on if they go rampaging through London.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Star Trek

Boy am I excited about the new Star Trek film... Hopefully they do it justice.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Side of god with your food shopping?

What a strange statement to make on a grocery shops awning? Suppose it's better than "Lambert and Butler"

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Childrens Art

This mural is on a wall near to the ferry on the Isle of Whigt. I think it's really cool... It's got little fanciful designs for ferrys and other forms of transport. I remember doing the same as a child. I must've created pages and pages of designs for airships mainly, but also submarines. Wonder what happened to them? Probably still in the loft.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Who likes short shorts?

Yet another gen from the 118 118 team. They have a good sense me humour at least :)

Who likes short shorts?

Your 118 Team loves short shorts. It's comfy and it looks great. thx!

Upside Down

Now this really is a bit of randomness from the recesses of my brain. Whilst eating my toast this morning in the car... Yeah I know it's messy... I'm always late for work so breakfast is eaten in the car, would prefer cereal, but I just cant eat cornflakes and drive at the same time... anyway I picked the toast up upside down and took a bite. And was surprised to find it so flavoursome. Now answer me this... why is it we don't eat toast that way round? The butter and spread is on the top, whereas the plain boring side is on the bottom. Pressed against your tongue when you bite it, so you only get the flavour when you chew, which is diluted somewhat by then. So I'm gonna buck the trend and start eating toast the wrong way round, that way I get the maximum flavour hit from the Marmite... mmmm.

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Since last Friday I've been suffering with food poisoning, and finally I think I'm back to some semblance of normality.

I have never felt so ill in all my life... suffering with stomach cramps for over a week is agony, my stomach feels like it's been used as punch bag in a heavyweight boxing gym.

And all for the sake of a kebab... never again. If it wasn't for the fact I couldn't give up meat I'd go vegetarian to avoid catching this ever again. Instead I'm just gonna have to cook everything myself.


Finally got around to watching Cloverfield. Somehow I managed to avoid finding anything out about it until I watched it. And I must say not knowing really helped add to the suspense. Kind of like a Sci-Fi Blair Witch :-) only difference being the massive budget. It never looked obvious the CG work combined with the single camera angle worked really well. Only thing I want to know is where they bought that camera... Not only is it indestructible but it has a unlimited battery and a never ending tape. An excellent film... So much so I was compelled to watch all of the special features. Which normally I never do.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

With a little bit of luck...

... Nomi wont fall on the harp :)

I went to see Nomi's final performance in My Fair Lady. And an outstanding performance it was too. I don't know why but I have a complete inability to do accents. So I have a massive respect for the cast having to switch from cockney to Queens English so frequently and with such skill. The last set (For the Wizard of Oz) I thought would be impossible to out do (They had a remote control rock and a rotating bridge) but with what appeared to be 4 large movable columns they managed to create all the scenes complete with stair cases and balcony's. I was a little saddened to learn that it was hired. But given its scale it would've been a bit much for even the most affluent society to build from scratch. The chorus' parts as always were amazing... Nomi complained she missed a few steps. But I certainly never noticed. They did look a little cramped at some points... But that just added to the ambiance of the Ascot scene.

I always feel like in interloper going to the after show party... But it's always fun even if I do have difficulty getting some of the inside jokes. I want to join the society when I move to oxford... Especially as they need more male parts... Nomi says I can sing given tuition, but I think it may be wishful thinking. Only time will tell.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

118-118 Words of Wisdom

The 118-118 directory enquiries number recently started offering a new service. Whereby you can txt in a question and they'll txt you back the answer. It's quite good... But sometimes a bit hit and miss on if they understand you. Here's some of the questions I've asked and their responses:

How is your heart beat controlled and regulated?
Not med advice. The heartbeat is regulated by the release of certain chemicals from the brain. NHS: 08454647.

How can you tell when a book is a first edition

The publication date is the natural starting point where it comes to appraising
a book. thx.

What is the English name for a

Jack-o-lantern is an English word. It's also known as Carved Pumpkin Lamps. Thanks, Your 118 Team!

What is Flemish for "allergic to feathers"?

Black feathers are usually a sign for bad luck. In Greek mythology, crows gave bad news to Athena & she cursed

What is Flemish for "gluten free"?

Gluten is a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. Gluten-free diet has grains and starches sources.

Can HIV be passed on my mosquito's?

No, the HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and contaminated needles and breasmilk.
Not so good on the translation front are they? Everything else is short and sweet. But sometimes a little too obvious... Like the book appraising. Think I'll post more of these when I get the chance.

Thursday, 30 October 2008


This had me in stitches... Whoever came up with this as a name for a cess pit emptying company was a genius :) One thing that does confuse me tho. Who still has a cess pit? Surely with modern sewers it's only old mansions that still have them.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Skateboarding vs Procreation

Oww is all I can say... that's gotta chafe... how he managed to get up and not vomit afterwards I don't know. That's another skate border that's not having kids.

First Signs of Winter

I'm really hoping for a white Christmas this year... It's been too long since the last one. Feels like i haven't seen one since i was a child. With the first flakes of snow appearing today i hope it's a good sign for a nice decent snowfall this year.

Sunday, 26 October 2008


I'm all for healthy snacks. So whenever I'm at the shops i look out for something healthy to feed my desire for crisps :-) these were Nomi's latest idea... Parsnip crisps... Sounded like a good deal... 50 calories per bag. Then i noticed the catch. The bag was as good as empty. Think I'll start selling healthy black pudding. Of course it'll need to be the size of a cocktail sausage :-)

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Foldaway Home

This idea is so crazy it might even work.... everyone knows how space conscious the Japanese are, so this fits in well with their lifestyle. Though it does look a little utilitarian to me.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Hospital Portraits

I've been spending a lot of time at Kings College Hospital lately (something i will explain at some point, when i'm ready). To liven the place up there are portrait photographs of the staff all over the walls, in the many long corridors. I think it's a really good idea as at least for me it shows a pride in where they work, and gives it a community feeling. Only problem is that like school photos, sometimes you don't look too happy. Like this chap.

Here come the clowns

I've never been to a propper circus before. Fairgrounds yes... Even a clown show that was put on at a theme park... But never a propper traveling circus :-( hopefully one day I'll be able to go to one rather than just drive past it :-)

Sunday, 19 October 2008


My sister and her boyfriend were extras for this film... So I'll definately be going to see it when it comes out. Wonder if she made the final cut? Time to play spot the Wib :)

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Live Octopus

It's apparently a delicacy... Personally I'll try anything once, just to say I've done it. But this is bordering on the limit of what I'll try.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Fog Horn

First time I've been across to the IoW in fog... My god the fog horn is so annoying! Not so much a horn noise... More of a very loud beep!

Monday, 29 September 2008


Had a slight misshap at work. Forgot to set the tool height correctly. Resulting go this. Thankfully the tool I was using wasn't meant to cut on its end, so all it did was glow red hot and leave a scorch mark behind :(

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Mr and Ms Babybel Pacman

Babybels were just made to be turned into Pacmen :) now all I need is to find a yellow (Emmental) one.

Amusing or Groanworthy Signs?

Saw these in HMV in Oxford :-) made me laugh :)

Saturday, 27 September 2008


I'm trying to grow my hair long at the moment... It's never been this long before, and as a result I'm learning new things. For a start my hair is curly. Which means at this length I look like Mr Frodo :-( Also that because I suffer with eczema I need to use conditioner to stop it looking greasy. So now I take 2 bottles into the shower :) finally I've discovered moulting... I leave hair everywhere! My desk looks like cousin It works there.

Most annoyingly is finding my hair in food... I wonder how much hair we accidentally eat in our lifetime?

Wrinkly Poster

Thought this was just plain funny... An advertisement for anti wrinkle cream that is wrinkled itself because it's bent around a corner. Surely someone should have thought about this before putting it up?

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Ferry cross the Solent

Work is sending me out to the Isle of Wight every week now :) I'm getting used to this ferry ride. It's nice and relaxing... Well usually... Today the ferry is full of school children. Sounds a bit like a chicken coup :-( no rest before work for me.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Death Race

Oh dear is all I can say... I want this film to work... I do. But it seems like it's going to be a film about extreme banger racing.

Fast and Furious

Vin Diesel must be running out of money as he's reprising his old role in the new Fast and Furious film. The first film was good in my opinion. The 2nd and 3rd Meh... So with a whole host of franchise films coming out is this going to be another mediocre sequel?

Tropic Thunder

This looks to be hilarious. Jack Black has been good go most of his films of late... Lets see how he pairs up with the big players.

The Wave

I've not heard anything about this beyond the trailer. It has me intrigued.

Terminator Salvation

A new actor, a new hope of a decent movie for the Terminator franchise? Let's see if Christian Bale can do as good a job as he did for the Batman franchise.

And please please please make it a 18. I'm tired of dumbed down movies aimed at 12 year olds.


Another Lock Stock film. English gangster films are again in vogue. Let's hope Guy Richies success continues.

Quantum of Solace

Bond films have always held a special place in my heart. The latest one I hope won't disappoint. Although I have to admit the new theme tune isn't to my taste.

Max Payne

I can only hope it is better than the movie adaptation of Doom. But then that wouldn't be hard.

Ice Age 3

I love Scat the squirrel :-)

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Rust Proof

I've never given it much thought to be honest, but since I've been working for a company that deals with a lot of carbon fibre I've realised why expensive sports cars are made from carbon fibre... They're rust proof. Not to mention light as well, but most important you'll never see a new rusty Aston Martin.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

The Dark Knight

Finally got around to watching this... I was genuinely worried I was going to miss it at the cinema. I kept waiting and waiting for both Nomi and my Dad to be around so we could all watch it together. In the end my sister took my Dad to see it whilst I took Nomi... Same night but 100 miles apart.

Awesomeness is the best word to describe The Dark Knight... Dark and moody as the Tim Burton original... Heath Ledger as the Joker was fantastic (RIP At least he'll always be remembered at the peak of his acting career). The constant nervous licking of his scar was a touch of genius. My only complaint is the ending... Slow paced (but not too slow) throughout the rest of the film, the end seems rushed and quickly lashed together to tie up the loose ends. I personally wouldn't have objected to the 2 face story arc being continued in the next film. Oh and one last thing... Someone get Christian Bale a strepsil... Obviously he's inhaling too much Gotham smog when he's standing moodily on top of buildings. As when he's playing Batman his voice goes a bit too gruff.

Saturday, 13 September 2008


Finally got around to watching this with Naomi today. I have to say I liked it... But it could've been a lot better. It never made me really jump (though it did make Naomi jump once). The hallucinogenic "relapses" would have been better if they'd shown her taking more shrooms, like in the outtakes. Overall tho a good slasher flic for a sat night.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

New posts and amendments coming soon!

Sorry for the delay... I'm still unpacking from holiday so I've not got a chance to update yet.

I've got a whole hot of amendments and new posts to add... so watch this space.

Monday, 1 September 2008


Woodlands is the closest thing to a theme park we go to in Devon. Its main attractions are the water slides... You get on in twos in a rubber boat and then get released down the slide.

It also has loads of animals... including bats!

There's also an alpine toboggan run... Which is essentially a skate board with a break. It's awesome :-) sadly no pics :-(

Last but not least is the swoop slide. A freefall slide which looks tame from the bottom... But is terrifying from the top... Here's a video of me being a wuss:

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Devon Chavs

No matter where you go there's always Chavs... Devon is no exception as you can see from this car. Whoever owns it (we reckon a woman, because of the "me to you bear" on the dashboard, not to mention the pink number plates) obviously has no common sense as the front air dam (bumper) is so low that it hits everything. And judging by the state of it she found that out the hard way!


I'm not a train geek... So let's get that straight. But I do however love scenic model railways... Which is why I love Pecorama so much :-) with lovely scenery from the hilltop it's built on combined with the perfect working scale replica trains, it makes a brilliant day out. I've lost count of the number of times I've been there... But I'll never get bored of it :-)

Not to mention the kick ass adventure playground

And a crazy golf course