Saturday, 31 March 2007

Saturdays the Muses day off?

Saturdays and Sundays are the only days I really get any time to do anything, as during the week I pretty much get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner then go to bed. Much to the anoyance of friends and family I just ain't got the energy to do anything :-(

I had great plans this morning... introduce Beth to some anime, read some manga, even do a little drawing! Perhaps tidy the house and do some DIY. But i just can't find the energy to do anything more than lay down and feel sorry for myself. It must be my muses day off.

Friday, 30 March 2007


Every morning & evening I have to get trains in and around London. Whilst I don't mind that sometimes they are a little cramped today was rather exceptional. Due to a couple of trains being delayed and canceled as you can see quite a few people ended up waiting on the platform for the next train. This massive queue buit up in as little as 10 minuites! Now I know why most tubes run every 2-5 mins this time of day, it's not just to be convinient... just that otherwise we would be playing sardines every day! Seriously when I got on the next train it was so packed that i had to duck my head so i could stand right next to the door!

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Honest Citizens

Well so much for making a post once a day... my phones been cut off **boo hiss**, so until I can pay it I'm reduced to using PAYG :-(

Anyways I’m back to traveling on the train again in the mornings (Car troubles, I’ll talk about that later), which means I’m up at the crack of dawn every morning. This morning I saw a guy pull up outside the newsagents get out and whilst leaving the car running pop in the newsagents for a good 10 mins. All the while leaving his car out of sight and in front of a crowd of people waiting for the bus. Now in todays society where if you so much as drop a penny someone else picks it up, and whilst your bent over someone picks your pocket. Why would someone trust to leave their car unattended and running in front of a group of people who obviously have need of transportation? Any one of them could’ve gotten in that car and driven off saving themselves a sweaty bus ride to wherever they’re going. But they didn’t, why… because they’re all honest citizens on their way to work? Possibly, or is it because all the dregs of society are still in bed awaiting the afternoon call to the jobcenter to collect their giros? Most definitely. So that guy knew his car would be safe, so for that brief period in the morning the halcyon days your grandparents talk about where they left their front doors open still exists, all be it far too brief a moment.

Friday, 23 March 2007

Worlds biggest faraday cage

This is dartford bridge, the clockwise crossing over the thames on the m25, going the other way is a pair of tunnels. Pretty unimpressive unless you like architecture or you're an engineer. Wierd fact for you tho... If you in thru the tunnel you can get a good mobile signal but no radio. Not that wierd i hear you say. But the bridge is different... You get good radio signals but no mobile signal despite the fact it's high up in the air. The answer... I can only assume the cables absorb mobile signals but amplify radio signals. As for the tunnel? Mobile repeaters? That i have no answer for. Btw in blackwall tunnel you get both. Now that makes dartford even wierder!

What could they want to film in Erith?

I'm going to try and make one post a day. Totally random this photo. Why would a film crew be in Erith? Apparently they do stuff like live 8 and so on. Is it just me or does anyone else think that Bow Tie TV sounds like it should be doing porn?

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Jays Taxis

I play taxi on wed thru sat picking up my gorgeous lady from Bluewater. Me and Beth usually have a little doze whilst we wait :-) Zzz


Well here we have it... My first propper post. Now I've started getting into this myspace thing ( I seem to be compelled to blog stuff. And now armed with this blog facility on my phone I plan to upload a few random snippets every now and then. I hope this entertains family, friends and anyone else who stumbles upon it. Enjoy. Oh and in case you're wondering the photo shows it snowing on my way to work this morning :-)